With the countdown to Their Royal Highnesses, The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, visiting Calgary we thought it most appropriate to include a list of Do’s and Don’ts in case you find yourself face to face with the Royal couple in the coming days. William and Catherine will be joining us in Calgary for 2 days next week, kicking off our annual Stampede Parade on July 8th. We are thrilled to play host to this lovely couple and hope they enjoy their visit to our beautiful city; who knows, they might just make a stop at The Art Gallery of Calgary!
For the lucky few who may run into The Royals next week, study the list below for a few pointers:
Do bow or curtsy if you are a part of The British Commonwealth. A dance routine is not necessary and if you are not a part of the commonwealth this custom is not mandatory, however, it is appreciated
Don’t Introduce yourself, wait to be introduced
Do address them as “Your Royal Highness” and subsequently thereafter “Sir” and “Ma’am”
Don’t be overly familiar as if you have been BFFs for the past 10 years, even though you have watched every documentary and read every “Hello” magazine article
Do feel free to make eye contact and smile
Don’t ever refer to a member of the royal family by his or her first name; nicknames would be an even bigger Faux Pas. Ladies, for the sake of all Canadians, please spare shouting out “oh Willy…” from across the Grand Stand
Do dress appropriately. However, next week Western attire will obviously pass as appropriate but you may want to watch the length of your daisy dukes, ladies, and men, don’t go too petit on the Wranglers
Don’t ask personal questions to the Royal couple, like when they expect to have a family or where they plan on staying while in town
Do offer a small bouquet of flowers as a gift if the opportunity presents itself
Don’t bring them your Jarome Iginla jersey to sign, this isn’t the red mile. While on this topic, it would be equally inappropriate to offer them a Molson Canadian from your cooler or tail gate
Do try and say something if the opportunity arises but keep it generic; money, politics and religion are likely a deal breaker
Don’t, at any time, touch, hug or kiss the Royal couple. Even though you may be super excited, this is not a custom the Royal Family shares with us.
To sum up the Do’s and Don’ts of meeting the Royal couple, just remember to use your manners, don’t overdo it and most of all enjoy this momentous occasion. It is a great honor to host “The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge” in our city and we hope they enjoy their stay in our great country.
Photos taken from The Globe and Mail
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